Archive for Source: CNN

Liberal atheists are smart! And now we have proof!

Posted in Fun with tags , , , on March 2, 2010 by Black Pumpkin

I just couldn’t pass this one up.  The headline read: “Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ.” Any time I see liberalism in a headline, my ears perk up.  And any time I see atheism in a headline, I have to read it.  And you throw both of those together, and I wouldn’t be able to pass it up even if the house was on fire.   And since I am a liberal and an atheist, that must mean I’m smart, right?  That’s what the article said, didn’t it?  Did I read it right?  Maybe not, but that’s what I’m taking away from it anyway.

Here is a similar article, “Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?” (From my own anecdotal evidence the answer is yes.  Just in case you were wondering.)